The scientific article “Allotrope-dependent activity-stability relationships of molybdenum sulfide hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts” made possible by our EC-MS – Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry
Unlocking the Secrets of Hydrogen Evolution: A Glimpse into the Future of Energy
A recent publication in Nature Communications has brought to light a significant advancement in the field of hydrogen evolution reactions (HER), a cornerstone of sustainable energy research. The study presents a detailed analysis of the activity-stability relationships of molybdenum sulfide hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts, offering new insights into their allotrope-dependent behaviors.
The Study’s Core Findings
The research delves into the stability and activity of molybdenum sulfide as a promising alternative to platinum in water electrolyzers. It highlights the importance of understanding the electrocatalytically-induced processes that govern the efficiency and durability of these catalysts.
Read the whole article here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-47524-w
Experiments performed with our EC-MC Professional
We are proud to see it mentioned in the article, that the Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry (EC-MS) experiments were performed on instrument from Spectro Inlets. It is so satisfying for our company, that our instruments can contribute to make interesting studies happen. Especially studies that can help moving to a more sustainable future.
See the list with all publications that are related to our EC-MS
We are collecting all scientific articles that have made use of our EC-MS or that are related to it. It contains both articles about electrochemistry and battery reserach. See the list here: